The official FIA/FOM National Media pass provides accredited media access to the Singapore Formula 1 Paddock and the Media Centre/Photographers’ Area.

National Media (Singapore-based media except local offices of international press agencies) must submit their applications to Singapore GP by 12pm on 15 August 2024. There is strictly no extension of deadline. Successful applicants will be notified via email.

For international requests from publications/agencies, please register via the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) by clicking here.

Applicants for national media accreditation are advised to read these Guidelines before submitting their application for the FORMULA 1 SINGAPORE AIRLINES SINGAPORE GRAND PRIX 2024.

Applications will be forwarded to the Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) for approval.

  1. The FIA only accredits publications who meet their criteria on coverage, circulation and quality. Media publications are required to submit satisfactory evidence of news coverage of the Championship and/or Event.
  2. A maximum of two passes (journalists and/or photographers) will be allocated per publication. Freelance journalists/photographers must apply for credentials via the publication.
  3. Press passes can also be allocated to general news, specialist, business and lifestyle consumer publications that do not intend to publish conventional race reports but whose coverage is considered to be of promotional benefit to the sport.
  4. Publications are required to submit a formal request written on the publication’s/station’s letterhead. This letter is a formal undertaking from the editor/station manager to publish a report related to the event, and provides an indication as to when this report will be published/broadcast. The letter must be signed by the editor or a senior member of the editorial staff/station manager.

Applications will be forwarded to Formula One Management (FOM) for approval.

  1. A maximum of two passes will be allocated per station. Priority will be given to stations actively covering the FIA Formula One World Championship™ and in particular the Formula 1 Singapore Grand Prix.
  2. Successful applicants will be granted access on the understanding that any or all radio broadcasts and internet radio transmissions from the Event will be in the form of a maximum of four brief periodic news reports (no longer than 60 seconds per report) aired live or within 24 hours of the Event. All radio broadcasts and transmissions should be limited to Singapore only. Applicants interested in providing more extensive coverage of the Event should apply directly to FOM for further consideration.
  3. Each successful applicant will also be required to complete an Event Accreditation Agreement form that must be completed and returned to FOM prior to the Event.

Applications to include moving picture images or sound recordings will be forwarded to Formula One Management (FOM).

Applications for sites solely using text and/or photos will be forwarded to Federation Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) for approval.

FIA Requirements:

  1. A maximum of one representative journalist per website may be accredited. Websites associated with a print or broadcast media organisation that has already applied for, and been granted, any other form of media accreditation will not qualify for Internet Accreditation. Such websites should use the accreditation obtained through their associated media organisations. Blogs will not qualify.
  2. The applicant must be a professionally run website dedicated to reporting on the FIA Formula One World Championship™ and in particular the Event or a professionally run general news or sports website with a dedicated Championship section. In each case, all and any coverage of the Championship must be free of charge to the public.
  3. The applicant must undertake to publish for each round of the Championship in the season in which Accreditation is sought as follows:
    1. At least one news story (of 250 words or more) on each of the Thursday, Friday, Saturday, race day and Monday;
    2. At least one feature article (of 500 words or more) for each event.
  4. The website must maintain a clear “contacts” section with a link from the website homepage and must contain full contact details for the website including a full postal address (PO Boxes not accepted), telephone and fax numbers, email address; and (ii) all contributing journalists must be named either on their articles or elsewhere on the website, photographs must be accompanied by a photographer’s credit and all sources must be credited in accordance with editorial best practice.
  5. The applicant must respect others’ intellectual property rights of the FIA, the Formula One Group and third parties. This shall include the strict prohibition on the taking of any moving picture images, sound recordings, use of trademarks, title or logos or the transmission of certain kinds of results as further set out in the Accreditation Agreement. If any pass holder is found producing moving images of any kind of the Event (or any part thereof), their accreditation will be withdrawn and the pass holder will not be admitted to any major FIA championships for the foreseeable future

Submissions have now closed.